Monday, August 28, 2006

Colegio Dario Salas 'Big Band'

On Saturday morning Catherine and I went over to the school to help with the entrance exams for next year's prospective freshman. Over 600 eighth graders were on hand to take some addmissions tests and also tour the school and see what it had to offer. There was a lot going on for both parents and students. Catherine was featured as the new "native speaker" English teacher and was asked to get up and say a few words to introduce herself (in Spanish, of course) to the parents and to the students. The school fife and drum corps was putting on a show in the patio, the chess team had matches going on, the choir was singing in another room, the swim team was practicing in the pool. The hightlight, at least for me, was a performance by the school's Big Band. Earlier in the morning they had played several tunes for the parents, and they were great. I was impressed.

But, a bit later in the morning, with all 600 prospective students packed into the auditorium to hear speeches and more music, the band unveiled their secret weapon - a singer. WOW! This kid could really sing and he worked the crowd like a pro. He is going to be a star. It was over the top, and the crowd loved it. I have some video here that will give you a taste of the event. The whole event ended up being really fun and showed off the school's many talented students and teachers.

Note, if the embedded video doesn't work for you, try this link