Last year (wow, we can say that already?) was a year of monumental change for us…lots of new experiences inside and outside of our comfort zone, along with some bona fide challenges that will make us tougher and more resilient in the end – according to current day psychobabble. We’re still crafting our New Year’s resolutions. Here they stand at the moment: carve out a daily slot to speak Spanish-only together; do more yoga; don’t perseverate about things that are out of my locus of control (me); acknowledge that each day is a new beginning; tranquilo because we can’t change anything about Chilean bureaucracy; embrace the Chilean educational system for what it is (in other words, don’t worry so much about being super-teachers, revel in the relationships that we’re forging); and count our lucky stars for being in this magnificently beautiful country.
But come on! We would love a little predictability in our lives. As estadounideneses, we are planners. It’s a deeply ingrained trait for us. As a teacher I map out my curriculum for the school year before it starts! It goes without saying that the Portland Public Schools calendar is available in March for the following school year in September. Here in Chile we’re currently on summer break and the school year is supposed to start up on March 1st or somewhere thereabouts. I have no idea about my schedule—what it looks like, which classes I’m teaching, and worst of all, when the school year starts. This is torture for me I might add. Perhaps I should add spontaneity to my list of resolutions?
All that aside, we are hoping for fewer surprises and more forays into known territory. For example, we want to continue to build upon our Spanish language acquisition, a precious gift for both of us. Translation: we hope to encounter more Chileans who are patient enough to let us stammer through our conversations and respond in kind or better, in naturally spoken Spanish. So far our encounters, for the most part, have been very nurturing and thereby lowering the affective filter –educational lingo for making the learning environment welcoming and eradicating the fear factor. (We’re always making fools of ourselves, but who else is taking note?). Additionally, it would be pure bliss to know when I’m required to return to school and what’s expected of me (and us, since Dan is teaching some of my classes as well, lightening the load of 400+ students a week).
We’re hoping to continue the community building vibe in our neighborhood and in Chillán in general. It goes without saying that we’re starting over with new students in the Fall (March), yet we would like to think that we’re making progress with navigating the Chilean way of being. We hope to establish long-term relationships that result in a continued exchange with our Chilean friends upon our departure. Oh my god, I’m already talking about the future and leaving—a totally un-natural perspective. I do not want to think that far ahead. Be here now is a glorious New Year’s resolution.
For more pictures of our family gathering over the holidays, click this